
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cleansing and Clearing Meditation (Video)

Meditation for the new year ( testing out webinar software), but this is still a powerful #meditation to cleanse, heal, and clear the pain of the last year and absorb the lessons.

We talk a little about clearing and lessons and dive into the meditation around 18:00.  This includes a fair amount of chakra work, and the meditation is very powerful.  It should work even now in March to bring the good to the rest of 2016.  In reality, I will probably move this blog over to primarily video blog ( with links) outside of the tales of magic.

If you dig some of this, we go much further into these kind of thinking and many more exercises in the Shapeshifting 365 Course which we are restarting in April.  Join in Now.

We have implemented a monthly payment plan of only 29.99,  merely the cost of eating out once a month, for a epic level of transformation and many tools that SIMPLY are not in any other books.

The course includes over 150 exercises, 6 videos, some mp3s..... and the people who have done the exercises have 

Transformed their Lives, and you can too.

People in the course have:

  • Found new Love ( a couple people)
  • Increased their sales by over 40-50% ( for them that was thousands of dollars, THOUSANDS).
  • Completed PH.d  and masters dissertations that they had previously struggled with.
  • Gained greater happiness and had achieved greater healing results then they had ever before.
Now we have a discounted one time payment of (299.00) and if you take a screen shot of you posting something positive and good on any social media about my book, meditations or any other goods/service and message me at with that screen shot,   
I will give you a code for 33% off which will be $200.33 ( Of course, hail Eris).  That discount is only good till April 1st, so....