If you are using a Hindu metaphor for energy work, I would consider the Chakras work and balancing the equivalent to spiritual exercise. In Chinese thought, I would consider Gigong to be the same. In both cases, your spiritual health does depend on the exercise to an extent. Like real exercise, sometimes it is damn difficult to do it, for some of the same reasons.
So first, lets start about what are the Chakras, in my opinionated view. I have to give the caveat, that I am not a Sadhu or Hindu priest, but I do a fair amount of energy work.
Andrieh's Take on the Chakras
Unlike many systems of metaphysics, the Chakra system has tons of information that is readily available. A simple google search will produce tremendous information. What those pages, and the books, often lack is some key details about what to do with them in practice.
In my experience, the symbol, syllables, sounds and even scents are resonance tools. The journey will be your own, and that is very important. The 7 Chakras are generally considered the main 7 of the body. I personally, keep returning to using them. Sometimes I like the Chinese systems more, but often, I like working with them. There are more then 7 Chakras, but 7 generally is the main number.
Each Chakra corresponds to an psychic energy vortex that roughly corresponds to that category of psychic energy that is produced by the interaction of the body, mind and spirit. Like many systems of energy, the Chakra system is a system that maps the subconscious and conscious mind, and the energies that the subconscious mind is producing. In Eastern thought, this is a reflection that includes the state of the body. Now, the Chakras have some interesting properties that are rarely talked about.
First, each Chakra actually has a link to the other Chakras inside it, and can vibrate at a different vibration in some situations. I like to think of this as a fractal in practice. No one Chakra can really be thought of existing in isolation from the others. This point is one that many sites and books miss. In practice, this means that if one Chakra is malfunctioning, it will often effect the other Chakras sometimes in odd unexpected ways. One Chakra might be weaker, and other Chakras might over compensate causing weird personality quirks or even reflecting/creating physical problems. The above picture gives the general location name and English/Hindu name of the Chakra.
Each Charka corresponds to roughly an area of internal life. This information is available online and in books. I provide it here only to make the exercise I am about to give you meaningful.
What each major Chakra does:
Taken and modified from psycentral.com. Oh, I included the Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs just to give you food for thought as to how these relate to areas of life.
If you have a problem in one of the areas, chances are you can work to improve it by improving the functioning of the Chakra. Unlike charmed however, the results may take a little time. The Chakras are a metaphor in the form of energy that talks about the interplay of body, mind and spirit. It's the constant work that changes the spirit, mind and body over time.
Memetic Tools, Oh My
The cursory information on the Chakras is immense. There are Hand Mudras, Chakra cards, syllables, mantras, symbols. All these things help with resonance. What is missing most of the time is how and why to put these together for effective self change or even self-progress.
For your reference, here are some Chakra cards.
Additionally, here is a link for some hand mudras.
Chakra Workout and Putting this Together
Relax and Breathe for a little while.
Start with the Root Chakra. You an use whatever tools to activate the Chakra you want to. Hold your hands in Root Chakra, chant the LAM mantra and stare at the Chakra card. There are other techniques you can get, more memetic aids from Google. All of these tools will help you. These are assistants to the work, not the work. For the Root Chakra, notice the area at the base of spine ( perineum) closer to the back. Pay attention to the area that seems to have a sensation in that area. See, feel, hear that area slowly moving. Feel, see, hear that area moving in red vortex. Now, this is key. Don't just visualize that area moving. Feel it, see it, and hear it. Feel the vortex. Picture and feel the vortex spinning. Keep chanting, staring, holding the Muhdra, or using the other tools. Slowly concentrate on the area and start to feel and see the Vortex spinning faster and faster in clockwise manner. Keep spinning the vortex, feeling, and concentrating on the area. Now when you are spinning the vortex, you will get to a point that there is a tremendous tension. It almost feels like your whole body tremors and then almost pops. When I get to the popped level, my whole body seems to glow in the red, and all seems to be super charged. Most of the time, spinning at this level will help clear out and repair any issues with the Chakra. After a few moments, try to go further with this. Try to spin the Chakra even faster and faster. This gets progressively more difficult. Spin the Chakra as fast as you can till you perceive it spinning at light speed (I usually see the Chakra spin so fast it becomes white). This to me feels like the Chakra is working at overdrive, like a sore muscle. I almost always get the sensation that energy is flowing up into my body from the earth. I know this isn't stated explicitly in materials, but I have noticed that, and other people have that I work with. It almost is a temporary hyper-functioning of the Chakra. The period of hyper-function is great for ritual work, and it absolutely does strengthen the Chakra. Each time doing this increases the strength of the Chakra and balances things out. It also touches on and balances the part of the Chakra in the other energy points.
Take a couple breathes. Next, move to the Sacral Chakra. The procedure is similar to the Root Chakra work. Use the chants, Hand Mudras and stare at the Chakra pictures to resonate with the Chakra more. This Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Breathe slowly, and consistently. Use the different memetic tools which will increase the resonance to the Chakra. Although I did't mention it with the Root Chakra, this takes a little while for me to center in. You might take 5-10 minutes of the mantra BIJA work or staring at the Chakra picture while breathing deeply to feel exactly where it is at. This isn't a hint in books, but in my Reiki practice I have seen it over and over again. After a while, you'll have the experience and have trained yourself. Just keep working at that using those tools while concentrating on that general area. Now as you did with the Root, start to see, feel, and hear the Chakra spinning. Take note of how it is spinning, as that tells you if there are any issues. It might be spinning slowly, stopped, or even spinning erratically. Keep breathing deeply and Concentrate on that area spinning the Chakra in a clockwise manner more quickly. As the Chakra spins faster, you will notice the irregularities correct themselves. This may take some time meditating and doing this work. In meditation, if I am having a problem with a Chakra, it might take a few minutes to speed up the Chakra with intention. This is all part of the process. The Memetic tools such as the hand gestures and mantras do help build up the speed. As with the Root Chakra, you will get to a point in speed where it seems to pop. For me, it's like I am so resonant with the Chakra, that the other Chakras ( and other minor Chakras too), start to resonate at the vibration of the Chakra. Keep going past this point, till you are spinning the Chakra at light speed (and usually it become whiter for me). This takes some practice to do. It won't be instantaneous if you are really doing the work and it might feel alot like hard exercise. You will get a little tired.
Next move to the Solar Plexus Chakra. In the last two examples we pretty much covered the how to. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below the navel at the Solar Plexus. This Chakra is related being our own sun. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Solar Plexus Chakra, use a yellow sunlike vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again, if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed.
Next move to the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone or sternum. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Heart Chakra, use a green vortex (some people will see and use pink). Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed.
Next move to the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Throat Chakra, use a blue vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed. This Chakra is one of self expression, and is often difficult for many people.
Next move to the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eye brows. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Third Eye Chakra, use a purple vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed. This Chakra is one that in our gogogo lifestyles, well this is a harder one to see the bigger picture, analysis, and intuition.
Next move to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located it is located either at the crown of the head or just above. This Chakra is the connection point of the female Shakti Power to the Shiva currents. Essentially, this is the direct line to the divinities when you separate out the various ideas around this. This is the point of consciousness itself, and quite possibly the seat of the soul/KIA/etc. As with all the Chakras, there are more mysteries then I can cover in the blog, but with the Crown Chakra this is doubly true. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Crown Chakra, I use a white vortex, but I know people who have used a rainbow or prismatic vortex, or even a violet color. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed which for this Chakra is the easiest usually. At first for me, the hardest part of the Crown Chakra work is actually feeling it and feeling the energy cycle. It takes a little time, but when you get it going and connect the resonance's it seems to spin up very quickly.
Once you have gone through all the Chakras in this manner, then go through them a second time, but try to hold each Chakra in mind. Starting at the Base Root Chakra and working up and spinning each one up to light speed (aka spinning so fast, they go to pure light). Hold each Chakra in mind and spinning at the same time.
What this does over time
Although not explicitly stated, this has the similar effects to doing the LBRP and Middle Pilar in ceremonial magic. Essentially, it clears out every Chakra, and the body and the energy system while strengthening the energy system. For a day or so after doing this, the Chakra will function at better then normal and degrade if no additional practice is completed. If you keep doing this, the Chakras will function at a better then normal as the new normal increasing the flow and availability of spiritual and physical energy. As a daily practice, it is a powerful tool and the daily practice of it can start to cause movement on physical conditions. Now, of course, this can be combined with other tools such as CD's, meditative bells, oils, crystal bowls, tuning forks etc. All of these tools will help to increase resonance with the Chakra. I have not found that any of the tools are enough without really putting intention behind them and the exercise given seems to work extremely well when combined with those tools (it works well by itself too). This exercise is what I use to really build up the Chakras after a difficult period.
A couple key points, I know some books will say that you should spin the Chakra's counterclockwise to deal with excesses in a Chakra (thus releasing energy). I do not agree entirely unless it is a really severe excess. There is both an ascension style magical reason, and magical power reason I say that. First, instead of releasing the energy or calming down a Chakra, increase the intensity that the other Chakras can operate at. It is the flow and balance that really in my humble opinion creates the great power. Working to increase the intensity of the other Chakras can be slightly harder, but it does create balance and it creates a new energy balance that in general forces spiritual evolution or at least an increase in magical power. Second, the spinning done this way will help heal improperly functioning Chakras, including Chakras which need to take in outside energy (possibly from other people). Simply put, the hyper-spinning will work to correct structural issues in the energy system but it does take a little more time.
If you need some help with some techniques of meditations or what to improve your skill, check out my first book Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current
. If you need some help working to balance out or improve your own Chakra functioning, feel free to contact me at andriehvitimus@gmail.com and book an appointment. In addition to these techniques, I can work with you through hypnosis, metaphor and distance energy work to help increase your Chakra's effectiveness.
In my experience, the symbol, syllables, sounds and even scents are resonance tools. The journey will be your own, and that is very important. The 7 Chakras are generally considered the main 7 of the body. I personally, keep returning to using them. Sometimes I like the Chinese systems more, but often, I like working with them. There are more then 7 Chakras, but 7 generally is the main number.
Each Chakra corresponds to an psychic energy vortex that roughly corresponds to that category of psychic energy that is produced by the interaction of the body, mind and spirit. Like many systems of energy, the Chakra system is a system that maps the subconscious and conscious mind, and the energies that the subconscious mind is producing. In Eastern thought, this is a reflection that includes the state of the body. Now, the Chakras have some interesting properties that are rarely talked about.
First, each Chakra actually has a link to the other Chakras inside it, and can vibrate at a different vibration in some situations. I like to think of this as a fractal in practice. No one Chakra can really be thought of existing in isolation from the others. This point is one that many sites and books miss. In practice, this means that if one Chakra is malfunctioning, it will often effect the other Chakras sometimes in odd unexpected ways. One Chakra might be weaker, and other Chakras might over compensate causing weird personality quirks or even reflecting/creating physical problems. The above picture gives the general location name and English/Hindu name of the Chakra.
Each Charka corresponds to roughly an area of internal life. This information is available online and in books. I provide it here only to make the exercise I am about to give you meaningful.
What each major Chakra does:
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs | Seven Chakras |
Self-Actualization (morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem-solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts) | 7th Self-knowledge (soul level), higher consciousness, the greater picture 6th Imagination, awareness, self-reflection, intuition, psychic ability, intelligence, seeing the big picture 5th Power, self-expression, deeper connection to others, truthful (as you understand that speech) |
Esteem (Confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others) | 4th Love, self-acceptance, balanced perspective, compassion, self-love, Agape |
Love & Belongingness (Family, friendship and sexual intimacy) | 3rd Willpower, esteem, power and position, personal power |
Safety & Security (of body, resources, family, health, employment, property) | 2nd Order, love and belonging, emotional security |
Physiological Needs (Breathing, food , water, air, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion) | 1st Life, survival and safety |
Taken and modified from psycentral.com. Oh, I included the Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs just to give you food for thought as to how these relate to areas of life.
If you have a problem in one of the areas, chances are you can work to improve it by improving the functioning of the Chakra. Unlike charmed however, the results may take a little time. The Chakras are a metaphor in the form of energy that talks about the interplay of body, mind and spirit. It's the constant work that changes the spirit, mind and body over time.
Memetic Tools, Oh My
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I just really love these Chakra cards. |
The cursory information on the Chakras is immense. There are Hand Mudras, Chakra cards, syllables, mantras, symbols. All these things help with resonance. What is missing most of the time is how and why to put these together for effective self change or even self-progress.
For your reference, here are some Chakra cards.
Additionally, here is a link for some hand mudras.
- “LAM”- Chakra 1 (Root)
- “VAM”- Chakra 2 (Sacral/Navel)
- “RAM”- Chakra 3 (Solar Plexus)
- “YAM”- Chakra 4 (Heart)
- “HAM”- Chakra 5 (Throat)
- “OM”- Chakra 6 (Third Eye/Brow)
- “OM”- Chakra 7 (Crown)
Chakra Workout and Putting this Together

Take a couple breathes. Next, move to the Sacral Chakra. The procedure is similar to the Root Chakra work. Use the chants, Hand Mudras and stare at the Chakra pictures to resonate with the Chakra more. This Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Breathe slowly, and consistently. Use the different memetic tools which will increase the resonance to the Chakra. Although I did't mention it with the Root Chakra, this takes a little while for me to center in. You might take 5-10 minutes of the mantra BIJA work or staring at the Chakra picture while breathing deeply to feel exactly where it is at. This isn't a hint in books, but in my Reiki practice I have seen it over and over again. After a while, you'll have the experience and have trained yourself. Just keep working at that using those tools while concentrating on that general area. Now as you did with the Root, start to see, feel, and hear the Chakra spinning. Take note of how it is spinning, as that tells you if there are any issues. It might be spinning slowly, stopped, or even spinning erratically. Keep breathing deeply and Concentrate on that area spinning the Chakra in a clockwise manner more quickly. As the Chakra spins faster, you will notice the irregularities correct themselves. This may take some time meditating and doing this work. In meditation, if I am having a problem with a Chakra, it might take a few minutes to speed up the Chakra with intention. This is all part of the process. The Memetic tools such as the hand gestures and mantras do help build up the speed. As with the Root Chakra, you will get to a point in speed where it seems to pop. For me, it's like I am so resonant with the Chakra, that the other Chakras ( and other minor Chakras too), start to resonate at the vibration of the Chakra. Keep going past this point, till you are spinning the Chakra at light speed (and usually it become whiter for me). This takes some practice to do. It won't be instantaneous if you are really doing the work and it might feel alot like hard exercise. You will get a little tired.
Next move to the Solar Plexus Chakra. In the last two examples we pretty much covered the how to. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below the navel at the Solar Plexus. This Chakra is related being our own sun. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Solar Plexus Chakra, use a yellow sunlike vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again, if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed.
Next move to the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone or sternum. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Heart Chakra, use a green vortex (some people will see and use pink). Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed.
Next move to the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Throat Chakra, use a blue vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed. This Chakra is one of self expression, and is often difficult for many people.
Next move to the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eye brows. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Third Eye Chakra, use a purple vortex. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed. This Chakra is one that in our gogogo lifestyles, well this is a harder one to see the bigger picture, analysis, and intuition.
Next move to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located it is located either at the crown of the head or just above. This Chakra is the connection point of the female Shakti Power to the Shiva currents. Essentially, this is the direct line to the divinities when you separate out the various ideas around this. This is the point of consciousness itself, and quite possibly the seat of the soul/KIA/etc. As with all the Chakras, there are more mysteries then I can cover in the blog, but with the Crown Chakra this is doubly true. Again, use the various tools to build resonance with the Chakra so you can really feel where it is. For the Crown Chakra, I use a white vortex, but I know people who have used a rainbow or prismatic vortex, or even a violet color. Again spin this clockwise and really feel it, not just visualize it. Again if it is spinning erratically, you may need to spend a few minutes with this, to really get the resonance and get it spinning. Remember to go past the pop point of spinning, till its spinning at light speed which for this Chakra is the easiest usually. At first for me, the hardest part of the Crown Chakra work is actually feeling it and feeling the energy cycle. It takes a little time, but when you get it going and connect the resonance's it seems to spin up very quickly.

This creates a column of light within the energy body where all Chakras are being fully activated and in a way in hyper-fuctioning mode. In essence, this builds and heals the energy body as each of the spinning Chakras at the same time, it will clear out the energy channels. This is a GREAT starting point for additional ritual work that will combine both the elements of heaven and earth. I try to get to this state and hold it for as long as I can or if I am doing other ritual work, move on to that. The entire process is a very effective banishing.
Doing the Chakra work in this way can take 30-40 minutes ( or more if you are having some trouble spots), but I promise, the results are fantastic for magic and physical improvement.
Doing the Chakra work in this way can take 30-40 minutes ( or more if you are having some trouble spots), but I promise, the results are fantastic for magic and physical improvement.
Need more info on the Chakra's try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra which is surprisingly good for Wikipedia.
What this does over time
Although not explicitly stated, this has the similar effects to doing the LBRP and Middle Pilar in ceremonial magic. Essentially, it clears out every Chakra, and the body and the energy system while strengthening the energy system. For a day or so after doing this, the Chakra will function at better then normal and degrade if no additional practice is completed. If you keep doing this, the Chakras will function at a better then normal as the new normal increasing the flow and availability of spiritual and physical energy. As a daily practice, it is a powerful tool and the daily practice of it can start to cause movement on physical conditions. Now, of course, this can be combined with other tools such as CD's, meditative bells, oils, crystal bowls, tuning forks etc. All of these tools will help to increase resonance with the Chakra. I have not found that any of the tools are enough without really putting intention behind them and the exercise given seems to work extremely well when combined with those tools (it works well by itself too). This exercise is what I use to really build up the Chakras after a difficult period.
A couple key points, I know some books will say that you should spin the Chakra's counterclockwise to deal with excesses in a Chakra (thus releasing energy). I do not agree entirely unless it is a really severe excess. There is both an ascension style magical reason, and magical power reason I say that. First, instead of releasing the energy or calming down a Chakra, increase the intensity that the other Chakras can operate at. It is the flow and balance that really in my humble opinion creates the great power. Working to increase the intensity of the other Chakras can be slightly harder, but it does create balance and it creates a new energy balance that in general forces spiritual evolution or at least an increase in magical power. Second, the spinning done this way will help heal improperly functioning Chakras, including Chakras which need to take in outside energy (possibly from other people). Simply put, the hyper-spinning will work to correct structural issues in the energy system but it does take a little more time.
If you need some help with some techniques of meditations or what to improve your skill, check out my first book Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current
I have really benefited from chakra work, although mine has been more with visualization and affirmation. I am definitely going to do these more energetic exercises, which sound both fun and rewarding.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding me to do more chakra work. My comments aren't coming through, but I want to somehow let you know that I am appreciating your work.
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