An Amparo is a protective talisman blessed by the Archangel and used to ward off bad things if you are doing spiritual work or any sort of healing work. It serves to protect you versus evil influences that do come up when you are taking the bad away from someone ( the winners will have to give me a picture and name so I can make the amparo).
I have more then a 10 years of work with the Archangel Michael and a strong ancestral connection to the angel, so this will really have a kick. Usually, I just make these for myself so this is a very rare offer.
On the flip side, I will begin to post more blog posts but I have to make them shorter. Rest assured, you will still get the lengthy expositions of technique, but you will also get shorter opinion pieces and more often.
I will also if the winner wants me to, explain to them what I do to create the Amparo and the ritual I use, should they want to know how to do that. I would do that over Skype.
So it could be subscribed by Blogger, or followed by email :)
So if you haven't subscribed, do so now to be in the running.
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